
Shaoyu Cai 蔡紹禹

Dr. Shaoyu Cai is currently an educator-track lecturer at the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC), College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Ph.D. degree from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong (2023). His research objective is to explore how to develop “touchable” computer interfaces to enable people to have physical interaction in the virtual world. He strongly believes haptic interaction can provide greater benefit and experience to users in extended reality (XR) environments, including virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR). His research interest mainly focuses on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), particularly in the areas of Multimodal and Embodied Interaction, Extended Reality, Wearables, and Haptic Interfaces.

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Latest News

[2024.09] ThermOuch was accepted by SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 as a technical paper!
[2024.04] ViboPneumo was accepted by IEEE TVCG!
[2024.01] Skin-integrated haptic interface has been accepted by Nature Electronics.
[2023.12] One paper accepted by Computers & Graphics!
[2023.12] I started a new position at College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore as a Lecturer!



ThermOuch: A Wearable Thermo-Haptic Device for Inducing Pain Sensation in Virtual Reality through Thermal Grill Illusion

Haichen Gao, Shaoyu Cai, Yuhong Wu, and Kening Zhu

In SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers, December 03–06, 2024, Tokyo, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages.

[Paper] [Video]

ViboPneumo: A Vibratory-Pneumatic Finger-Worn Haptic Device for Altering Perceived Texture Roughness in Mixed Reality

Shaoyu Cai, Zhenlin Chen, Haichen Gao, Ya Huang, Qi Zhang, Xinge Yu, and Kening Zhu

In 2024 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics.

[Paper] [Video]

A skin-integrated multimodal haptic interface for immersive tactile feedback

Ya Huang, Jingkun Zhou, Pingchuan Ke, Xu Guo, Chun Ki Yiu, Kuanming Yao, Shaoyu Cai, Dengfeng Li,..., Xinge Yu

Nature Electronics 6, 1020–1031 (2023).

[Paper] [Video]

Perceptual Thresholds of Visual Size Discrimination in Augmented and Virtual Reality

Liwen Wang, Shaoyu Cai and Christian Sandor

In Computers & Graphics, vol. 117, pp. 105-113, Dec. 2023.


Comparing Perceptual Thresholds of Size Perception under Different Distances in Augmented Reality

Liwen Wang and Shaoyu Cai

In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct).


PropelWalker: A Leg-based Wearable System with Propeller-based Force Feedback for Walking in Fluids in VR

Pingchuan Ke, Shaoyu Cai, Haichen Gao and Kening Zhu

In 2022 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics.

[Paper] [Video]

Multi-modal Transformer-based Tactile Signal Generation for Haptic Texture Simulation of Materials in Virtual and Augmented Reality

Shaoyu Cai and Kening Zhu

In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct).


GAN-based image-to-friction generation for tactile simulation of fabric material

Shaoyu Cai, Lu Zhao, Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Yue Liu and Kening Zhu

In Computers & Graphics, vol. 102, pp. 460-473, Feb. 2022.

[Paper] [Code]

WeightedWalking: Propeller-based On-leg Force Simulation of Walking in Fluid Materials in VR

Pingchuan Ke, Shaoyu Cai, Lantian Xu and Kening Zhu

In SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Emerging Technologies, ACM, New York, USA, Article 19, 1–2. 2021.

[Paper] [Video]

Visual-Tactile Cross-Modal Data Generation using Residue-Fusion GAN with Feature-Matching and Perceptual Losses

Shaoyu Cai, Kening Zhu, Yuki Ban, and Takuji Narumi

In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7525-7532, Oct. 2021 & IROS 2021.

[Paper] [Code]

FrictGAN: Frictional Signal Generation from Fabric Texture Images using Generative Adversarial Network
Best Paper Audience Choice Award (Top-3)

Shaoyu Cai, Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, and Kening Zhu

In 2020 International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE 2020).

[Paper] [Code]

ThermAirGlove: A pneumatic glove for thermal perception and material identification in virtual reality

Shaoyu Cai, Pingchuan Ke, Takuji Narumi, and Kening Zhu

In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), pp. 248-257. (Acceptance Rate = 21.4%)

[Paper] [Video]

Demonstration of thermairglove: A pneumatic glove for material perception in virtual reality through thermal and force feedback

Shaoyu Cai, Pingchuan Ke, Shanshan Jiang, Takuji Narumi, and Kening Zhu

In SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Emerging Technologies, pp. 11-12. 2019. (Acceptance Rate = 20%)

[Paper] [Video]

A sense of ice and fire: Exploring thermal feedback with multiple thermoelectric-cooling elements on a smart ring

Kening Zhu, Simon Perrault, Taizhou Chen, Shaoyu Cai, and Roshan Lalintha Peiris

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 130, pp. 234-247, Oct. 2019.

[Paper] [Video]

Embodied Weather: Promoting Public Understanding of Extreme Weather Through Immersive Multi-Sensory Virtual Reality

Pingchuan Ke, Kai-Ning Keng, Shanshan Jiang, Shaoyu Cai, Zhiyi Rong, and Kening Zhu

In The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, pp. 1-2. 2019.

[Paper] [Video]

HapTwist: creating interactive haptic proxies in virtual reality using low-cost twistable artefacts

Kening Zhu, Taizhou Chen, Shaoyu Cai, Feng Han, and Yi-Shiun Wu

In SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Virtual & Augmented Reality, pp. 1-2. 2018.

[Paper] [Video]

More News

[2022.10] I received multiple honors from CCVR 2022!
[2022.10] I attended ISMAR2022 in Singapore!
[2022.09] PropelWalker was accepted by TVCG!
[2022.08] One poster paper was accepted in ISMAR 2022!
[2022.03] I started a visiting study in Wearable Systems Lab at Shanghai Jiaotong University!
[2021.09] The invited submission of FrictGAN was accepted by Computers & Graphics!
[2021.09] WeightedWalking was accepted by ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies!
[2021.07] One paper was accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters with IROS 2021!
[2020.12] FrictGAN received Best Paper Audience Choice Award!
[2020.10] One paper was accepted by ICAT-EGVE 2020!
[2020.03] One paper was accepted by IEEE VR 2020!
[2019.11] Demonstration of ThermAirGlove was accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies 2019!